Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Horseback Riding, Paddling & Kate Middleton

I got to go horseback riding with Mountain Meadow Trails Rides today for work. They offer staff rides so we can become familiar with the trails and company to talk to guests about. It was a blast and it made me so homesick for my grandpa’s old ranch it’s not even funny. I am now trying to find a way in my budget to buy a horse this summer instead of next as planned because riding is the best therapy.

Tonight I have my first practice with my new crew training for the dragon boat races for the Lethbridge Dragon Boat Festival. I am such a joiner and when I saw this I HAD to do it. Not just because I have never done crew of any sort, but because dragon boat is how I was first introduced to one of my style icons, Kate Middleton.

I first paid attention to Kate when I saw a photo of her training with her crew for a similar race on Perez Hilton. I thought it was a cool race and decided to look into her and it went from there. I think she is incredible. She comes from a middle class family that made their own fortune. She has handled herself unbelievably during her courtship with Prince William and her style is fantastic.

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