Monday, June 7, 2010

Intro to Chinook Country Chick

My name is Rachel and I am a recent transplant to Southern Alberta. I was born and raised in Fort McMurray, Alberta and moved to Seattle when I was 15 (my mum met a man over the internet and married him). I went to university in Washington and worked doing corporate public relations in the city and I hated every minute I was there. I always talked about when I was going to move back to Alberta and at long last, after an October lay off I am home!

I decided to start this blog because I have been following Vancity Allie for a couple years now. Her blog was so interesting to me because she does what I love, snowboard and surf. And I figured, working in Waterton Park and living in Southern Alberta that I would have a lot of adventures that would be nice to record and share with my friends. This is a lot easier than a journal and more in depth than Facebook status updates. So here it is!

I plan to do a lot this summer, hike, compete in a triathlon & a half marathon, paddle board, camp, bike, buy a horse, and Buddha permitting, find a man! Lol. So this blog is a record of my life here in Southern Alberta, an amazing place to be!

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