Thursday, June 10, 2010

Whitewater Rafting & Washington

I had yet another adventurous day yesterday, Kimball River Sports was doing staff rides so I went white water rafting with some of my coworkers. It was such a blast! The river was gorgeous and we passed through cliffs, saw human remains (a graveyard had eroded away and bones are literally sticking out of the ground), and a haunted house. There weren't as many rapids as I would have liked, but we did go body surfing through one. Man! It was so cold my nipples ached for a good 15 minutes when I got out of the water. It took my breathe away! But it was good time and I plan on going at least twice more this summer. I will wait until the end of August though when the water is warmer and the weather is so hot that I WANT to fall into the water.

I leave for Washington tomorrow to see my family and I am so excited! I haven't seen them in almost four months. And while that doesn't seem long to most people, my family and I are unnaturally close and it feels more like four years. The best part is that I am surprising everyone in one way or another.Only one brother and my sisters know that I am coming, so my mum, grandma and littlest brother will be surprised ot see me. And no one knows that I am bringing my five year old nephew D. So it will be a double surprise. I just want this day to be over so it can be tomorrow!

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